A Bizarre Twist: Stolen Coconut Pie Leads to Criminal Case for Florida Doctor

Stolen Coconut Pie Leads to Criminal Case for Florida Doctor
In a bizarre turn of events, a Florida doctor's quest for a simple morning indulgence turned into a full-blown criminal case. 

Kent Messer, a chiropractor based in Southwest Florida, had eagerly anticipated savoring his homemade coconut pie as he arrived at Suncoast Injury Centers in Fort Myers on a Tuesday morning. 

However, Messer's excitement quickly turned to bewilderment when he discovered that not only was his cherished pie missing from the office fridge where he had left it overnight, but several valuable supplies were also nowhere to be found. 

Messer recounted his astonishment, telling a local TV station, NBC-2 News, that his initial goals for the day were "just to get to the office, get my slice of pie, and get on with my day." Instead, he found himself in the midst of an unexpected situation. 

An incident report from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office detailed the circumstances. 

Deputies were called to the business at 10:30 a.m. after the burglary and grand theft had taken place. Messer revealed that he noticed an open drawer and a disorganized cabinet door, indicating signs of unauthorized entry. 

As Messer continued to assess the situation, he said: "I made a startling discovery in the fridge. The pie, so lovingly made by my wife and valued at $5, had been consumed." 

This realization marked the turning point – it was then it became evident that the office had fallen victim to a burglary. 

In addition to the missing pie, the thief had made off with a transport case equipped with metal hinges, estimated at a value of $125. The case contained medical equipment valued at a staggering $1,500. 

Investigative efforts pointed towards a potential point of entry says its the emergency exit door in one of the treatment rooms. 

The report highlighted "fresh pry marks" on the exterior of the building by the door, further cementing the idea of a forced entry. 

If the person responsible for this unusual heist is apprehended, they could face charges of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling – a second-degree felony.


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