Inferno Engulfs Essex Scrapyard, Scorching Hundreds of Cars

About 200 cars were damaged by the fire_ Source_Essex County Fire & Rescue Service
Under the cloak of the night, a raging fire erupted at a Scrapyard in Rochford, Essex on Friday, reducing hundreds of junked cars to smoldering husks of twisted metal.

Around 7pm, billowing black smoke began rising from the maze of scrapped autos, the air filling with the acrid smell of burning rubber and paint.

Workers scrambled to call emergency services as menacing orange flames engulfed stack after stack of vehicles, the fire greedily consuming all in its path.

Within minutes, a fleet of fire engines came screaming onto the scene, sirens wailing.

Over 60 firefighters leapt into action, unleashing powerful jets of water to try and tame the inferno. The intense heat made their task nearly impossible, the fire stubbornly resisting their efforts. Blobs of molten plastic dripped from the burning wrecks like lava.

The weary firefighters labored through the night, finally managing to create a firebreak and prevent the blaze from spreading to the other 2,000 cars crammed into the junkyard.

By 11pm, after a battle of over three hours, the stubborn fire was declared under control. Around 200 vehicles had been reduced to blackened, twisted skeletons by the hellish blaze.

The acrid smell of smoke hung heavy over the area even after the last embers faded. Investigators have long been sifting through the smoldering debris, trying to determine the cause of the fire.


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