Sokoto State Governor Assigns Portfolios to 25 All-Star Cabinet in Pursuit of Progress

Gov Aliyu Ahmed of Sokoto State

The winds of change are blowing through the corridors of power in Sokoto State, where Governor Ahmed Aliyu recently ushered in 25 new commissioners to help steer the affairs of the state. Aliyu tactfully matched each commissioner's expertise with a strategic portfolio, assembling a dream team primed to propel Sokoto to new heights.

These hand-picked technocrats and professionals hail from diverse backgrounds, bringing a wealth of experience to the table. From legal eagles to education wonks, finance gurus to agriculture aficionados, Aliyu's all-star lineup has all bases covered.

Headlining the list is the Justice Ministry, legal authority Nasiru Binji takes the helm as Attorney General. Finance guru Muhammadu Shagari will oversee the state's coffers as Commissioner of Finance. Education specialist Tukur Alkali is Commissioner of Basic & Secondary Education, while infrastructure builder Idris Gobir leads Public Works.

Other vital appointments include digital economy leader Bashar Kwabo as Commissioner of Innovation and Technology, environmentalist Nura Tangaza for the Environment Ministry, and agriculture expert Bello Wamakko at the Agriculture Ministry.

Additional standouts are Sambo Danchadi (Information), Aminu Iya (Higher Education), Hadiza Shagari (Women & Children Affairs), Aliyu Tureta (Animal Health & Fisheries), Jamilu Gosta (Youths & Sports), Bala Kokani (Science & Technology), Yusuf Maccido (Water Resources), Asabe Balarabe (Health), Shehu Chacho (Special Duties), Ya'u Danda (Social & Humanitarian Affairs), Aminu Bodai (Culture & Tourism), Haruna Bashar (Commerce, Trade & Industry), and Alhaji Isah Tambagarka (Solid Minerals).

With his eye clearly on the future, Aliyu has charged these ministers of progress to get down to the business of bettering Sokoto. Their success will be Sokoto’s success. But first they must transform plans into policies, and policies into action.

The citizens of Sokoto watch expectantly, eager to see their governor's vision unfold. With able new hands on deck, the state seems headed in promising new directions. The winds of change are blowing, and progress lies on the horizon.


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