Nigeria's Fortunate Independence: How This West African Nation Avoided French Colonization

We were lucky to have escaped France colonization, looking at this map, please historians how did we escape ? Interesting visual

May be, they could have avoided all of it. By all of it, I mean, even the British colonialism. 

The ocean through the South made it easier for the Brits to enter & the Fulanis in the North were a dorminant and stubborn power to recon with, plus they didn't have to worry about ships throwing cannonballs on them considering the technology at that time🤷‍♂️

It would have been harder if the Northern and Southern Nigeria were United. The worst case scenario would have been Nigeria fighting a battle on two fronts. One with France and the other with Britain.

In other words, the south were made scape goats for other parts of Nigeria to see. I don't want to call it the Benin Kingdom 🙈.

But I Must. The Kingdom of Benin in what is now known as southern Nigeria, although some parts chopped off, fell to British forces in 1897. 

Although Nigeria was not formally colonized by Britain until 1914. So the fall of the Benin Kingdom preceded the formal colonization of Nigeria by about 17 years. More like a prep to colonial rule of the region🤷‍♂️ And the Benin Kingdom were also sidelined in all the negotiations because they were rivals to Britain.

The above part always makes me remember the adage that says: when they are beating your neighbor, unjustly! and then you turn a blind eye, because the person is not part of you or related to you 😊. That singular act of yours will go a full circle ⭕, and it will come back to You 💕! 

And when it does, they will come for you, and there would be no one to call on for help. Because when they needed your help, you turned a blind eye to them, and they were all dealth with. They have all gone through what you turned a blind eye on, so it's your turn, it's either you agree to go through as a Slave or you die 😅

It's more like choosing between the devil 👿 & the deep blue 💙 Sea ⛵🤣

Now here is a brief timeline:

The Kingdom of Benin was a pre-colonial African state in what is now Nigeria. 

It emerged in the 15th century CE and lasted until 1897.

In 1897, after years of tensions and conflicts, British forces conquered Benin City, destroying much of the city and looting thousands of artworks and artifacts.

This effectively ended the Kingdom of Benin's sovereignty.

In 1914, British colonial rule over Nigeria was formalized with the amalgamation of northern and southern Nigeria into the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria under British control.

Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960, becoming a fully sovereign state once again after decades of colonial rule.

So in summary, the Kingdom of Benin fell in 1897 after clashes with British forces, while Nigeria as a whole did not come under formal colonial control until 1914. 

The fall of Benin preceded and paved the way for the broader colonization of southern Nigeria by Britain.

No! No! No! That's not all! Here is the juice 🥤you ordered💁🏽‍♂️

There are a few key reasons why Nigeria came under British rather than French colonial rule:

1. Geography: Nigeria was more accessible for the British coming from the coasts than it was for the French who had most of their presence further west and north in West Africa. 

The French did try to gain access to Nigeria but were blocked by existing British presence.

2. Commerce: The Niger River and Nigeria's ports were critical for British trade and access to resources. 

Securing Nigeria strengthened Britain's commercial and economic interests in the region.

3. Missionaries: British missionaries were some of the first Westerners to establish permanent settlements in Nigeria starting in the 1840s.

And that alone increased British influence and power in the region early on.

4. Military action: Britain used military force to secure parts of Nigeria, like defeating the Benin Kingdom in 1897. 

The British navy maintained dominance along the coasts too.

5. Treaties: Britain made treaties with local leaders and tribes, effectively making them British protectorates and "excluding" the rivals of European powers (Benin Kingdom 👑) and all those loyal to the Kingdom 👑.

6. Berlin Conference: The 1885 conference coordinated by Otto von Bismarck formalized British claims over Nigeria, while France was granted much of West/Northwest Africa instead.

So in summary, British interests in trade, missionary activity, early coastal presence and influence, military conquests, and colonial treaty-making allowed Britain to entrench its power in Nigeria before the French could gain a strong foothold in the region. 

This consolidated Nigeria as a key British possession in West Africa.


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