Kazakhstan Archdiocese Bans Blessings for Same-Sex Couples

Conflict in Catholic (Popes)

The Catholic Archdiocese of Astana, Kazakhstan has prohibited priests from imparting blessings upon same-sex couples. Archbishop Tomas Peta decreed the ban alongside auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

Archbishop Tomas Peta
Archbishop Tomas Peta
Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Their edict comes in response to Pope Francis’ recent declaration permitting priests to bless homosexual partners in certain informal settings, though not through official church marriage rites.

In a joint statement, Peta and Schneider condemned the Vatican’s shift as “great deception” that “seriously contradicts Divine Revelation and the uninterrupted, bi-millennial doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church.”

They argue such blessings abuse God’s name by invoking it upon “objectively sinful” homosexual relationships. And warn the allowances turn the church into “propagandists of globalist and ungodly ‘gender ideology’”.

While the Vatican made clear any blessings would not validate the status of same-sex unions, the Kazakh prelates believe the ramifications remain highly destructive.

Therefore, they have forbidden any priest or parish in Astana from conducting blessings for homosexual or irregularly partnered couples. However, sincerely repentant individuals may still receive blessings.

Peta and Schneider also plead with Pope Francis to repeal his sanctioning of same-sex couple blessings. They urge the reversal so that Catholicism may stand clearly as “the pillar and ground of the truth” in line with scriptural tradition.

The rare public rebuke of a Pope reflects fierce internal resistance from conservative clergy amidst Francis’ ongoing modernization efforts. It remains to be seen if additional domains follow Astana in overriding Rome's new posture toward homosexuality under the banner of eternal doctrine.

See: Pope Francis Formally Permits Blessings for Same-Gender Couples

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