Tinubu Slashes Transport Fares 50% for Christmas Travel Rush - Bringing Yuletide Cheer for Nigerians

Dele Lake Announce 50% Slash for Yuletide Travels
Dele Alake Announces 50% Slash for Yuletide Travels

President Bola Tinubu has approved a 50% discount on interstate transport fares over the upcoming Christmas and New Year holiday for Nigerians.

The fare reduction covers road and train travel across Nigeria from December 21, 2023 to January 4, 2024. Train services will even be free during this period.

Minister Dele Alake announced the fare slashing on Wednesday, describing it as a “special presidential intervention” to aid holiday travel.

The Ministry of Transportation worked extensively with transport unions, bus companies and rail authorities to actualize the ambitious discount plan aimed at benefiting regular Nigerians.

Air travel was omitted from the fare cut since it remains out of reach for many citizens. But the 22 designated road routes and 3 major train corridors was considered substantially to ease costs  for mass travelers this season.

As millions make their way home for the holidays in coming days, this relief package from the Tinubu administration could not have come at a better time for ordinary Nigerians feeling the economic pinch. With transport expenses eating up significant household budgets, the 50% fare reduction will assist families celebrating Christmas and New Year festivities across the country.

The government expects the discount to apply uniformly across all participating transport companies. To ensure travelers fully benefit, teams will monitor bus stations and train platforms for compliance during the travel window.

Nigeria boasts a vibrant transportation culture with peaks during major holidays. This often leads to inflated fares and overcrowded vehicles as demand outpaces supply. By subsidizing costs on popular routes, President Tinubu aims to ease this seasonal pressure.

The fare relief also aligns with Tinubu’s pledge while campaigning to expand socioeconomic support for working class and low income Nigerians. His administration may view the discounted holiday transport as a quick win to deliver concrete improvements in peoples’ lives.

However, the true test will come in the policy’s execution on the ground during the heavy travel weeks ahead. Transport officials vow smooth sailing but will require proactive steps to verify discounted fares apply and extra capacity meets swelling demand.

If pulled off successfully, Tinubu’s fare slashing could bring welcomed Yuletide cheer to multitudes navigating Nigeria’s complex transport grid to celebrate with loved ones. And seed public goodwill as his presidency aims in 2023/2024 to solidify ambitious development objectives over the next 4 years.

Watch video: Dele Alake Announces 50% Slash for Yuletide Travels

The following bus companies will offer reduced fares in line with the Federal Government's initiative to ease travel costs over the holidays:

bus companies will offer reduced fares in line with the Federal Government's initiative to ease travel costs over the holidays:

1. GIG/ God Is Good Motors

2. Chisco Transport Limited

3. The Young Shall Grow Motors

4. God Bless Ezenwata Motors

5. Area Motors / Area Joint Mass Transit

The listed routes for each operator have been officially approved as part of the discounted travel scheme. Over 5 million citizens are targeted to benefit across the 22 road routes and 3 train corridors named under the presidential initiative for the 2023 holiday season.

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